Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Opening Doors with Your Personal Value Proposition – Targeting Client Needs

To really elevate your personal value proposition, begin by trying to articulate it in terms of Client needs. These needs can often open the door to new business. But remember that Clients typically have a hierarchy of needs – and some are more pressing than others.

The goal is to identify and find potential solutions for the ‘big’ needs, the ones that are the most imperative, because these are the ones that are most likely to drive a hiring decision. Some of these needs include:

  • Increasing revenue and profitability 
  • Reducing costs, losses, inefficiency, pressure, stress, downtime, uncertainty or risk 
  • Avoiding conflict, litigation, fines, fees, bad publicity or negative consequences 
  • Saving time, effort or resources 
  • Improving processes, procedures or production 
  • Enhancing or protecting and reputations, images or credibility 
  • Meeting connections and deadlines 

Once you have focused your personal value proposition on the Client’s needs, you are ready to take it to the next level…

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